Sunday, 8 March 2020

Smile is cheaper than beer, Interconnected with trust


You smile , 
World will smile with you

You trust others, 

Others will trust you

Smile & Stress

Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can lift your mood, lower stress, boost your immune system and possibly even prolong your life. A smile spurs a powerful chemical reaction in the brain that can make you feel happier. In today's world where there is kind of rat race , competitive struggle to get ahead financial but it cannot be bigger than your health & your relationships, so do consider smile, laugh at loud as stress buster

Smile & Workplace

Even in professional life, smiling makes you more friendly, trustworthy and approachable. By smiling, you become more inviting than when you are not. This simple tweak allows connections with others, and further helps to build strong relationships with your colleagues. In fact, we think this might be why “happy hours” started- after a stressful day of work, employees headed into a fun social gathering to laugh and let the stress of the day dissolve away. Smile is cheaper than a beer! 

Social smile vs True smile & Interconnect with Trust 

When you smile, it causes others to smile as well and it is interconnected with trust when creating positivity around. Genuine smiles (the ones that involve the muscles surrounding the eyes) induce positive feelings among those who are smiled at. Trust is a highly valuable asset that can either make or break a person especially the relationships they have with their family and have built with their friends, workplace colleagues, clients, and bosses. Trust is as fragile as glass, in which it is easy to break and very hard to get back. Smile More but do it Genuinely!!

Smile your way through Personal Finance

It's so important to manage your finances, it includes complete understanding your assets, liabilities, your earning or spending. Most of life involves increase spending till retirement & as warren buffet says important line "Don't Save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving" . Saving is always difficult & there is one life which you don't want to miss so making right balance between your savings & spending can lead to smooth way in achieving all your financial goals. If you manage your finances in early years. , there is ever chance you will be smiling throughout your life as far as personal finance is concerned.

#Sunday Connect
Green Hedge Capital


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