Sunday, 8 December 2019

We prefer to work with Clients not Customers : To all Clients : Thank You

Prefer to Work with Clients not customers: 

  ( References from Clients not Customers)

Difference Between Customer & Client

 Customer defines a person who buys goods and services from the company, it’s just like who comes and go after their requirement is fulfilled. Whereas, on the other hand client is the one who has a Fiduciary relationship with company, who trusts the company, gives rights to company for managing their assets or wealth & have continuous engagement

For us Client is family member & its more than managing money, its about relationship, trust that goes beyond generation & every family member feels comfortable , talking & discussing whatever whether its about money or about their family or about life.

Client Values Long Term Trust Where as Customer prefer short Temptation

Compounding works in money in long term, it  also works in relationship as trust of your professional services brings credibility over long term. It will not be wrong to say Clients are the heartbeat of all businesses; therefore, at GHC developing a healthy relationship with them is crucial for long term success. Through good and bad times, maintaining a healthy client relationship with all our clients is of utmost importance for us. 

GHC is about Client-Centric not customer-centric

We could have become customer oriented but as our focus & commitment is over long term so chosen to be more of client centric we have taken lot of unique initatives like Investor Awareness programs, Relationship Managers, Training, In-House Research, Groups, Broadcast, Workshops, Magazines, Blogging, Financial services under one roof , infrastructure, Technology etc , we have taken all these initatives to make Green Hedge Client Centric rather than Customer Centric. 

Thank You

Thank You all for helping us building scale & it would not have been possible without your references. At Green Hedge Capital, We believe in doing the right things with right intentions & conviction to succeed in the long journey of wealth Creation

(Optimistic: Trader: Investor: CFGP)

Green Hedge Capital