Sunday, 19 March 2017

Indian Mutual Fund Managers: ZenHabits

In the sport of Archery, for successful hitting target one needs to master lot of things like movement of air, breathing while hitting target, stability of hands & full body, sharp focus, distractions etc but can you believe, to master this art which may be few seconds game, one needs to spent almost 10 year of relentless effort, commitment & Discipline.

 In the book Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel, it was clearly explained that to develop ZEN (mastering the Skill) one needs to go 4 stages from UNCONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE, CONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE, CONSCIOUS COMPETENCE, UNCONSCIOUS COMPETENCE. 

Trading & Investing : To earn money from Trading & Investing one really needs to spent lot of time watching the screen & reading fundamentals, it requires state of unconscious competence when it doesn't matter whether  you are putting an order of 10 Lkh or 10 Cr because screen & fundamentals is saying you to buy , in your mind, risk management, position sizing, company's growth, momentum in trading, company ethics, product acceptance etc is already there without putting in excel. 

Many Indian Mutual Fund Managers has already developed ZEN in Investing as  they have spent number of years as a trader & investor before becoming fund manger,  they will create serious money for investors in coming years as INDIA'S GROWTH STORY TO UNFOLD.

As a Investor one need to show commitment, discipline & conviction to succeed in the long journey of Indian Bull Market.

Weekend Blog by
Trader: Investor: IFA: CFGP


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